Education and events to promote World Peace, through human understanding and collaboration.
World Peace begins within ourselves.
We report on culture and peace events to promote a sustainable development for a healthy environment and a loving world.
​Culture events
​WPAreport provides a platform for those working for or just interested in promoting peace, human cooperation, and understanding, as well as a sustainable environment. All human beings deserve to live healthy and prosperous lives. For this, we need to improve the agenda of mutual understanding and create a culture of peace. A Culture of peace concerns all aspects of life. Both on a personal level, community, and national as well in the world. Unfortunately, the world and our society are instead becoming more divided.
Humanity is facing many obstacles and struggles. However, many people are also doing amazing things that need recognition and all our support.
WPAreport aspires to provide information and inspiration to make our lives, families and societies better and more secure. To be able to achieve these goals, we need to create an environment of trust and willingness to cooperate for the sake of the common good and humanity's future.
WPAreport covers areas of education, philosophy, religion and social science to promote peace, community development and freedom.
WPAreport covers the World Peace Awards and sponsors seminars where we can gain more insight into all aspects of peace and social development.
If you like to contribute with ideas, share your experiences or have questions please contact us.
We are guided by the vision that all are dreams and all problems can only be solved by having a dialogue. As human beings, we all have unique experiences and perspectives, so it is important to take this into account. But a dialogue is also about finding common ground and a clear objective to work towards. Therefore, our motto is "A dialogue for peace".
Universal values
World Peace Award has existed since 2018 where awards and diplomas were given out to those who have been doing noticeable work for peace.
Part of the event is also to take part in seminars and cultural events with music performances.
Video from World Peace Award in Stockholm 2019

Pramathin Boonthin Taosiri
Chairman of WPA committee

World Peace Award
May 24-28 2025
We endorse the UN resolution to promote a Culture of Peace
World Peace Award
Conference and a culture festival
- Peace within us will lead to peace between us -
Theme: How to create a culture of peace
Schedule World Peace Award Conference VI
Saturday May 24 th to Wednesday 28 th 2025
Stockholm, Sweden
Welcome to the 6th World Peace Award Conference
This year we are again celebrating human fellowship and the search for peace. We invite everyone concerned about peace and human development. Today the world is facing many challenges. Despite our different interests and perspectives, solutions can only come when humans work together. For this, we need to share a common perspective and interests. We believe that central to this is the search for universally shared values. Your participation could contribute to this prospect.
We like to invite anyone and everyone regardless of their own political, social or religious views. If you are working in a field as an educator, researcher, human rights activist, religious organisation or an artist concerned about empowering people and wanting to strengthen democracy by countering violence and hatred you are welcome to share your vision and learn from others. This is a great opportunity to network and give hope to people by sharing your experiences and knowledge.
This year’s theme: Peace, Civil Society and the Environment
Peace is something which concerns us all. We would like to emphasize that is more than a political agenda, it’s a human agenda. We believe that peace has to begin to understand each other and willingness to learn from each other.
We would like to touch on three areas regarding the concept of peace and how to understand the UN Declaration of Culture of Peace. Also, we like to talk about the importance and responsibility of civil society to contribute to peace. This includes religion, youth, and social- as well as cultural groups that have an important role in contributing to human and society's development. The environment and climate are of great concern for us and affect us all. To save the planet humanity has also to work together and share the burden in solidarity with each other. But the environment also is something we humans together create within our society. The concept of peace has many features involving all aspects of human lives.
The importance of universally shared values
World Peace concerns all aspects of life. Even though the world is more integrated, there is also growing mistrust and division. Religion which has been the driving force in all civilizations has been increasingly marginalized in the modern world and accused of causing conflicts and wars. With or without religion, however, the conflicts continue. Within the political world, there is more polarization, increasing social confrontation, and growing nationalism.
The challenge is how to find a model for peace which transcends all religious, political, social, and national interests. Such a model can be found in the recognition of universally shared values. Through this religious people can engage in a new level of dialogue. Politicians can be guided by a higher level of responsibility. Social activists who seek to empower people, will not only oppose what is wrong but strive for constructive solutions. A healthy society is after all the ability to work together based on mutual trust and care. Indispensable to our national, ethnic, and religious identities we can retain our own unique characteristics and also recognize that we are part of one human family. For such dialogue to be successful we need to recognize the values that we all share. This is the focus of the conference: to explore universally shared values and how they can contribute to a world of peace and provide hope for the future of humankind.